So glad that you made it to Funk Lab! Let me begin by telling you a little bit about the Lab. This is where I get to bring my art, ideas, other designs as well as my love for music to life in a variety of ways. From label pins, apparel, stickers, koozies, even tapestries, bandanas, socks, all the way to doggie apparel!
It all began back in 2016 when I saved up a little money, bought a Cricut machine to start doing cut-out stickers. It was fun for a bit until realizing the other “stuff” that my machine could do and so Stickers and Stuff by FUNK was born.
Soon learning that the Cricut machine could do more than just vinyl stickers the journey into apparel began! A handheld iron was soon added to the arsenal and very shortly after that a $500 all-in-one heat press combo was also added to the arsenal. After seeing the very limited things that I could do with vinyl the research and education on screen-printing vs. Direct-to-Garment (DTG) began! After a very short amount of research I realized that screen printing would still severely limit color options so DTG was the way to go!!
My life has revolved around music since before I was born. Both of my parents have college degrees in music education, were band directors, and my father is actually Dr. Funk! As you can imagine I grew up in band halls, church choir rooms, performance stages. To say that music and performing is MY LIFE begins to explain it a little bit! Being an artist, musician, and dreamer, ideas are always racing around my head from the second I open my eyes in the morning. So starting by FUNK Lab was a pretty natural progression. I mean finally getting to see all the things in my head and on paper brought to life is more than a dream come true!
Having the machines to make the apparel, koozies, tapestries, and all of the other amazing things for y'all is just the icing on the cake! I'm so fortunate to have a slew of amazing artists that I work with since I don't always have the time to draw. And all of my crew on the Facebook page help make all of this possible for y'all as well!
We're always looking for ideas and artists as well, so if you or anyone you know has some ideas or drawings feel free to contact us and let's see what we can do. If we raise and support each other, than we all succeed!